Belgium Holding is a platform to cater MANAGEMENT and INVESTMENT of any business opportunities in particular related to Oil & Gas, Energy, Aviation and Ports & Shipping sectors.

Belgium Holding welcomes investors and principals from different regions and corners of the world to introduce projects of related sectors. With a complete spectrum of solutions, Belgium Holding is developing a competent business development for all your commercial requirements, spanning the industry’s entire value chain, worldwide. Belgium Holding services and solutions connect knowledge to the workplace, allowing companies to manage and assure the entry to new markets and ascertain implementation of a regulated safe operation supported with the technical and regulated management at every level.

In order to familiarize you with our company and the services we provide, you can find below a short summary on our company’s business agenda.

Belgium Holding was established with intentions of a local market focus on Diamond & Jewellery and the Ports & Shipping sectors which are the two basic industries in Antwerp – Belgium. Due to our strong network of contacts we were driven for jobs and business opportunities within the scope of our expertise and those of our world-wide recognized business partner companies.

Today Belgium Holding’s current business objective includes not only finding solution to your company’s commercial requirements but also MANAGEMENT and INVESTMENT of all possible equipment and expertise that is required to the successful execution, stat-up and operation of any project presented to us on behalf of our customers or own participation within the following sectors:


Belgium Holding Activities